Monday, March 8, 2010

The Dog Named Anxiety

The tears stop,
but the pain doesn't fade away.
Anxiety forever follows me
like a dog without a home.
'I'm sorry little one,
I have no room for you,' I say.
But he keeps lagging behind.
Persistent with no cause.

As the night falls,
and darkness creeps in,
so does he.
Why can't I get away from him?

I lose focus.

I end up taking him home.

written 3/8/10 EF

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I extend,
I reach,
I cower.
I want to;
I'm eager.
But I can't.
My body is torn,
this direction and that.
My mind is the compass-
Do I choose one
and forsake the other?
Or do I choose neither,
and live forever lonely;
not knowing?

3/4/10 EF