Monday, August 23, 2010

leaving.... but not completely

Hey guys. For whoever is still reading this blog I really appreciate your love and support. I'm moving.
I'm going to soon get rid of this blog and will begin blogging solely through

The URL is

Please continue following.

Love you all!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

the future is going to the toilet

It’s back to school time. And all the kids are getting ready. Shopping for clothes and supplies and things they don’t need.

But are all their parents’ precious tax dollars going down the toilet?

When I graduated, the freshmen class coming in could not even find North and South Korea on a map. And kids these days think that words like “interesting” and “coincidence” are big words.

What the heck?!

Might as well home-school your kids if they’re gonna turn out just as retarded in public school. Smh. So sad.

These are the children that will be running our country soon. Doctors, lawyers, politicians.

I mean, kids are playing on iPhones and Xboxs before they can read. No words for such foolishness. Not on my end at least.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Weird dream

So since no one responded to my last post about my new art form, I will forgive you guys- whoever actually reads this- and move on. lol.

I had the weirdest dream that I was at a graduation party being silly and just broke out and starting doing the robot. I was all into it too. Then, my friends around me laughed and started doing it too. Haha so fun! I have the weirdest dreams. It felt so real though!!

I had to ask my sis today, did that really happen? (Because I did really go to a graduation party on Saturday.) But she said it didn't actually happen in real life :(

So I'm just losing my mind. lol.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

a new art form

After a family gathering the other day- surrounded by accomplished, talented family members- I have decided that I need to jump start a new project.
I would love to start painting but would not know where to start. Or with what?
Can you help?
My reputation in my family and my very future depends on it.

Monday, July 19, 2010

my love

I'm happy to be single. I think few people can say that. I am using my time and energy to learn Hindi and focus on my job. (No distractions from confusing, emotional relationships.)

The only love in my life right now is my cat. I'm usually a dog person. But this cat just showed up on our front yard one night. He chose me. What could I do? Leave him to fend for himself?
The love affair started by giving him food and water outside. Then he started acting like he wanted to come outside. Strange behavior for a stray cat. So we let him in one day. Ever since then, he has been driving me crazy with his crazy antics that only a cat person could love. (Hard for me to do since I'm a dog person.) But he is so sweet and affectionate- when he's not chasing my feet and scratching me up- that I can't help but love him :)

How do people live without pets?

Now we just have to think of a name. He just responds to "Baby" so far lol. But that's not a manly name for him. When the outside cats hear us call him that, he will get teased and laughed at. Can you help us think of ideas for cat names?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

my current obsession

I'm obsessed with tunics right now. Probably not the best choice since I'm so short, but i don't get them if they're too too long. Believe me. lol.
I just would really like to find a store where I can buy a cheap, but cute, thick brown belt to wear around my waist with them before the hot weather is gone.
Any good suggestions?

(above: Grecian tunic by RESERVED)

It's time for cute summer dresses

It's been ridiculously hot here on the East Coast these last few weeks! Shorts and dresses are becoming a must. Here is a great option/ suggestion for an everyday look.
This Loyale brand dress is from the spring 2009 collection. I personally would like to make the look more memorable- and not completely blend in with the sweaty crowd- by switching the necklace in the collection with the one I posted above it. It is a transforming necklace by Bernadette Deddens. You can mold it to look like the shape you want. Very nice. I honestly have no clue where you can get it, or something like it, but it just looks really cool. Don't you think? Much better choice for this cute dress.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Watch Your Mouth

Have you noticed that nowadays people are incapable of voicing their opinions or getting a point across without cussing at least once?

I was watching one of my guilty little pleasures, "You're Cut Off", on Vh1 the other day. The prettiest girls can say the ugliest words. Really, it's disgusting. Not lady-like at all.

It's bad enough when men cuss unnecessarily, e.g. songs like "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy featuring Bruno Mars, which would've been a great song without the cussing. But to hear a woman cuss like a sailor too. Ugh! Not cool.

Can we all watch our mouths please? Try going without cussing for at least a week. See how much better your vocab will be and how much more professional you will sound when you have to find new words to get your point across. Just try it. It will make the world a better place... one person at a time.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sharp Words

A saying, when mild, can turn away rage,
But when not,
Can cause it to grow, to fester, to age.
And when it grows it does not stop.
It's not just a bump;
It's a boil, a lump.
It's itchy and painful, but it will not pop.
A lump filled with vitriolic words
And for it, there is no ointment,
no medicine, no cure.
Contagious, it spreads to all you know and love.
Soon all the people you care about
are also in pain;
Hateful, vicious, spiteful, smug.
It becomes a pandemic.
It consumes the whole town, state, country, and wide world round.

All could've been prevented
by one gentle word.
Season your words with salt-
not curry or paprika.
And all you say will somehow be sweeter.
They will not cause any harm or discomfort.
No lumps or boils will ever appear,
And the ones you love won't live in fear
of talking to you or getting close;
All will be as intended, supposed.

5/10/10 EF

Still There?

For all my loyal followers, I have not forgotten about you. I hope to post some new pics and poems soon. Thank you for being there. Until then, I will give you a new poem.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Dog Named Anxiety

The tears stop,
but the pain doesn't fade away.
Anxiety forever follows me
like a dog without a home.
'I'm sorry little one,
I have no room for you,' I say.
But he keeps lagging behind.
Persistent with no cause.

As the night falls,
and darkness creeps in,
so does he.
Why can't I get away from him?

I lose focus.

I end up taking him home.

written 3/8/10 EF

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I extend,
I reach,
I cower.
I want to;
I'm eager.
But I can't.
My body is torn,
this direction and that.
My mind is the compass-
Do I choose one
and forsake the other?
Or do I choose neither,
and live forever lonely;
not knowing?

3/4/10 EF